FoodDietitian guide to holiday desserts: What to avoid for a healthier Christmas

Dietitian guide to holiday desserts: What to avoid for a healthier Christmas

What holiday baked goods should be avoided?
What holiday baked goods should be avoided?
Images source: © Adobe Stock | bit24

6:43 PM EST, December 17, 2023

We all look forward to Christmas, the special time of the year when we gather with family and friends to feast together, basking in the spirit of the season with Christmas carols and a Christmas tree in the backdrop. But it's crucial to remember healthy eating habits and restraint, otherwise we might end up feeling uncomfortable.

It's beneficial to avoid options that are generally unhealthy. This particularly applies to holiday baked goods. So, which desserts should we avoid, and which ones can we safely indulge in?

Desserts to avoid: Expert advice

The so-called ready-made desserts should primarily be on your blacklist of holiday pastries.

When it comes to instant pastries, they are deficient in terms of composition, quality of ingredients, and cost-effectiveness.

These pastries typically contain high volumes of sugar and fats, such as palm oil. Attention should also be given to the ready-made semi-finished products. For instance, the poppy seed mass, a key ingredient in holiday pastries, should be examined thoroughly.

It is important to thoroughly check the composition. Ready-made mixes, which often contain less than 20 or 30 percent of poppy seeds and are used by a large percentage of people, are not healthy.

The significant health benefits of poppy seeds, which are rich in calcium and vitamins from the B group. However, these benefits can only be obtained if we make poppy seed pastries from scratch, without resorting to ready-made poppy masses.

We should also avoid ready-made decorations for homemade sweets. Instead of colored sprinkles, dyes or pens, try homemade icing or glaze, and of course, in moderate quantities.

Is there a middle ground?

Indeed, there is. Opt for homemade pastries made from scratch. Gluten-free cakes made with yogurt or wholemeal flour are excellent choices. Also remember, over-decoration can add unnecessary calories and sugar. Control is key. Having 1–2 pieces of homemade cake during the holidays won't harm, but gorging on half a sheet cake may affect your health.

Homemade poppy seed roll can be a great holiday pastry.
Homemade poppy seed roll can be a great holiday pastry.© Adobe Stock | yanek

Before we part, I want to know if you're fond of holiday pastries. If you are, tell me about your favorite homemade pastry.

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