Diablo 4 is playable for free on Steam, but only for a few days
Diablo 4 is now free on the Steam platform for a limited time span. All that's required is an active account on this platform. On top of this, Blizzard has rolled out appealing price reductions in celebration of Black Friday 2023.
Once again, Diablo 4 gives players the chance to delve into its world at no cost. Players have previously been able to try Diablo 4 for free during the Xbox Free Play Days, and now Blizzard is extending this offer to users of the Steam platform, where the game has positioned itself firmly.
The game will be free until 1:00 PM Eastern Time on November 28 as part of the trial run. Bear in mind that the game will not be permanently assigned to the player's account. Limitations are set on gameplay and the highest level that can be reached during the free trial phase.
Additionally, offers for Diablo 4 have been slashed for Black Friday 2023. As a result, all game versions are now cheaper on the PlayStation Store, Microsoft Store, Battle.net, and Steam platform.
But that's not all: new seasonal content is on its way to Diablo 4. Alongside this, we're anticipating the launch of the first major DLC. Set to debut at the close of 2024, here are the initial details about Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred.