Demystifying the laundry dilemma. How, where, and how much detergent your washing machine needs
Most automatic washing machines in our homes feature drawers with three distinct compartments. One is destined for the powder, another for the fabric softener, and the third for the pre-wash powder. Despite knowing about these compartments, the dilemma persists - where to add the powder and how to add the laundry liquid?
You must be aware that the compartments in the washing machine can be identified by their size and symbols that suggest where to place the respective detergents. Most of us recognize the flower symbol, corresponding to the compartment where the softener goes. But what about the symbols I and II? What do they mean?
Understanding the compartments in your washing machine
Now that we know the softener goes in the compartment with the flower symbol, it's time to decide where to add the powder. We have two more options left in the drawer. Depending on whether you only require a main wash or a pre-wash followed by a main wash, the powdered detergent should be placed accordingly.
The main wash plays a pivotal role in all washing programs. For heavily stained clothing, an additional pre-wash can be selected on the control panel, which extends the washing cycle, resulting in a more thorough clean.
Thus, the powder should be added to the compartment marked with the symbol II or 2 in a standard washing program. If you use the pre-wash feature, the powder should be placed in compartments I (or 1) and II (or 2).
Be conscious of powder quantity
When operating the washing machine, avoiding using too much washing powder is crucial. An excessive amount can lead to deposits on various parts of the washing machine and, consequently, breakdowns. Additionally, you may find unpleasant streaks on your clothes caused by improper rinsing of the detergent.
How do you balance powder quantity with laundry load? This largely depends on the specific detergent in use. Pay close attention to the guidelines listed on the laundry detergent packaging. While dosing, consider factors like water hardness and the degree of soiling on your clothes. For those who'd instead not engage in tedious calculations, consider a washing machine with an intelligent detergent dosing function capable of independently determining the appropriate quantity of cleaning agent.
Where should a laundry pod go? This convenient alternative should be placed at the bottom of the drum before loading the clothes. As the washing cycle progresses, the components of the capsule will gradually dissolve and release the cleaning agents.