HealthDecode your body's health signals: smarter diet choices for hair loss, dry skin and more

Decode your body's health signals: smarter diet choices for hair loss, dry skin and more

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency can be atypical.
Symptoms of vitamin deficiency can be atypical.
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1:13 PM EST, January 14, 2024

Maintaining a Healthy Diet: Easier Said than Done

People who maintain a balanced diet need not fear vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which can cause significant health problems in virtually every body part. The reality, however, is that few of us can attest to having a perfect diet. Hence, it's a good idea to periodically analyze our diet and pay attention to the warning signs our body delivers.

Identifying Bone Pain or Dry Skin

Bone pain and skin dryness, accompanied by itching and flaking, might suggest a deficiency of vitamin D. Known as the "sunshine vitamin", this nutrient plays a crucial role in our skeletal, immune, and nervous systems, and it can also influence blood sugar levels, metabolism, and skin quality.

If you've identified a deficiency, consider including oily fish, red meat, and eggs. Individuals following a plant-based diet should regularly supplement vitamin D.

Understanding Mouth Ulcers

Sores and cracks in or around the mouth can often indicate insufficient iron and B vitamins.

To ensure your body gets adequate iron and B vitamins, consider incorporating spinach, lentils, beef, dates, eggs, pumpkin seeds, and oysters into your diet.

Interpreting Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums, bruises, and frequent nosebleeds are warning signals of vitamin C deficiency. This vitamin not only boosts immunity and prevents cell damage but also plays a crucial role in wound healing. A deficiency can weaken the entire body.

It's therefore a good idea to consume products rich in it, such as red peppers, citrus fruits, berries, green vegetables, cabbage, and pineapple.

Assessing Hair loss

Everyone naturally loses some hair daily. However, an alarming number of strands falling out may suggest low levels of iron, biotin, and zinc.

Cashew nuts, red meat, lean poultry, legumes, and pumpkin seeds are rich sources of all three essential nutrients.

The Benefits of a Summer Diet

Summer is the ideal time of year to modify your diet. The heat naturally encourages us to reach for fruits and discourages us from eating heavy meals.

Identifying vitamin or mineral deficiencies should motivate us towards dietary changes — habits established during the summer are more likely to continue into the winter.

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