Deadly traps: Israeli engineers target Hamas tunnels in Gaza
Israeli military engineers have commenced the demolition of tunnels utilized by Hamas within the Israeli army-controlled regions of the Gaza Strip. Various robots and explosive charges are employed in this process.
A primary goal of the military operation is not only to destroy the tunnels, but also to eliminate any Hamas fighters potentially hidden within them. Furthermore, the Israeli army strives to detonate any explosive traps installed by Hamas in their underground hideouts.
Presently, an estimated 100 tunnels have been razed. This total does not account for tunnels specifically targeted in bombing raids conducted by the Israeli Air Force.
Deadly traps for Hamas fighters
A ranking Israeli officer informed the Walla portal that the army demolishes entrances to underground passages and their extending pathways. These efforts aim to convert the tunnels into lethal zones.
General Jair Golan, former deputy commander of the Israeli armed forces, conveyed to The Times of Israel that the Hamas tunnels should be cautiously avoided by Israeli forces. According to him, the primary mission should be to locate and subsequently block off tunnel entrances or introduce smoke below ground, thereby forcing the enemy to emerge or face damage.
"Currently, the Israeli army is well-equipped to effectively address the tunnel issue. It has the necessary knowledge and resources. If Hamas continues to inhabit the tunnels, they risk deadly entrapment," - stated the general.
Gaza Metro
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) colloquially refers to the Hamas-constructed tunnels over the past 15 years as the 'Gaza Metro'. These structures are convoluted mazes in which rockets, weapons, and ammunition are stashed. The tunnels also afford fighters a means of undetected mobility. According to the Israeli army, vital Hamas command and control centers are also situated within these tunnels.
Last Friday witnessed an expansion of Israeli ground actions within the Gaza Strip. In relation to this, the military once again advised Palestinian civilians from the northern part of this territory, including Gaza city in the south of the Strip, to evacuate.