News"Day of Wrath". Israel warns citizens

"Day of Wrath". Israel warns citizens

"Day of Rage". Israel warns citizens / illustrative picture
"Day of Rage". Israel warns citizens / illustrative picture
Images source: © Getty Images | Leon Neal
ed. SBO

6:51 AM EDT, October 13, 2023

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Security Council issued a warning about a "day of rage" to the country's citizens abroad. Hamas has called on its supporters around the world to organize protests, which, according to Israeli security services, could also mean attacks on Jews.

In light of the world situation, Israeli citizens abroad should exercise particular caution. A joint statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Security Council, cited by the Times of Israel, recommends that Israelis "remain vigilant, avoid protests and demonstrations, and, if possible, follow the current information from local security services about possible protests, incidents, and unrest".

According to Israeli authorities, during the so-called "day of rage" various types of demonstrations may occur, which can turn into violent riots, and even attacks on Jews. Therefore, they advise their citizens to exercise particular caution and avoid places where such events might occur.

Elevated alert in Israeli diplomatic facilities

Additionally, Israeli media report that due to the situation, a heightened state of alert will be introduced at all of Israel's diplomatic posts around the world. This means that the embassies and consulates of this country will function in a heightened readiness mode, and additional security measures will be implemented.

The purpose of these actions is to ensure maximum protection for the employees of these establishments, as well as for the citizens of Israel, who may seek their help.

Hamas attacked Israel

On Saturday, Hamas attacked Israel. The Palestinians began operation "Al-Aqsa Flood". Thousands of rockets were launched toward towns in the south and center of the country.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that the country is at war. An operation codenamed "Iron Swords" has been launched against terrorists. They are systematically bombing the Gaza Strip. The Israeli side insists that it is destroying targets associated with Hamas.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant announced on Tuesday in a speech to soldiers that following the air offensive, a ground offensive will occur.

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