TechCut electric costs with these smart fridge-use strategies

Cut electric costs with these smart fridge-use strategies

In the face of rising electricity bills, many people are wondering how they can reduce their expenses within the household budget. As it turns out, the refrigerator is one of the biggest energy consumers in the kitchen. How can you save on bills?

How to lower electricity bills with your refrigerator?
How to lower electricity bills with your refrigerator?
Images source: © Canva | pixelshot

A refrigerator is a device that we cannot easily turn off or do without for an extended period because it needs to work continuously. However, there are simple steps we can take to reduce electricity consumption, which will help lower the bills. Even small changes can lead to significant results.

A good device is key

According to various sources, a refrigerator can account for as much as 20-30% of monthly electricity consumption. This largely depends on the chosen model and its parameters, such as capacity or the number of doors. The best solution is to invest in energy-efficient equipment, but that doesn't mean we have to get rid of a fully functional device.

Fortunately, there are easy ways to reduce electricity consumption regardless of whether we use a new or older refrigerator. Adopting these simple habits will be beneficial for every user.

How to store products in the refrigerator?

Before putting leftovers or freshly cooked meals in the fridge, make sure they are well cooled. Placing warm food forces the refrigerator to work harder to lower the temperature, which in turn increases energy consumption. Leave the food to cool on the countertop or place it on the balcony when it’s cooler outside.

Store food in airtight containers. This will reduce evaporation and humidity. The refrigerator will operate more efficiently because it won’t have to remove as much moisture from the air, allowing for reduced energy consumption. Also, ensure products are not stored too close together to enable proper air circulation.

What temperature for the refrigerator?

The optimal refrigerator temperature is 39-43 degrees Fahrenheit. Lowering it further, no matter how tempting the dial, will only increase bills.

It's worth ensuring the right temperature in the refrigerator.
It's worth ensuring the right temperature in the refrigerator.© Getty Images | Philippe Clement

Avoid leaving the refrigerator doors open for too long. Each opening causes a loss of cold air, resulting in the refrigerator needing to work harder to restore the proper temperature. Our moms were right when they scolded us for looking into the fridge for too long. An efficiently operating device consumes less energy and is quiet and reliable.

Remember the importance of small steps – every little change can have a big impact in the future. A well-maintained refrigerator means savings for you and care for the environment.

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