LifestyleCrisis on the Caribbean island. They encourage residents to eat... cacti

Crisis on the Caribbean island. They encourage residents to eat... cacti

The newspaper "Periodico 26", subordinate to the Communist regime ruling Cuba, has called on the country's residents to eat... cacti. All because the island is struggling with a crisis, and the wave of poverty is intensifying day by day.

There is a shortage of food on the island.
There is a shortage of food on the island.
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Cuba has experienced crises many times, but the one currently underway is the strongest. "Cuba is still far from achieving food sovereignty and food security" - can be read in "Periodico 26".

Eat cactuses

From the article, we learn also that "the lack of many products, insufficient availability of others, and high prices of all are the difficulties of our times". The author of the publication believes that the population of Cuba is not utilizing the potential of all species of plants growing on the island.

The regime's newspaper encourages readers to use different types of cacti in meal preparation.

It's worth noting that not all species of cacti are edible. Among those that are edible, for instance, is the prickly pear cactus.

But the Cuban periodical does not only mention cacti. Among the kinds of plants that can be used in the kitchen, the newspaper also lists the hibiscus flower, tree tomato, and Chinese tamarind among others.

Wave of poverty in Cuba

The independent Cuban portal CiberCuba commented on these tips. It was noted that the text of the regime-controlled newspaper in Havana, encouraging island residents to eat cactuses, coincides with the escalating wave of poverty in Cuba.

The portal recalled that in recent months, groups of people can be seen gathering near garbage bins in search of food in some Cuban cities.

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