FoodCreative green bean recipes for every summer occasion

Creative green bean recipes for every summer occasion

green beans
green beans
Images source: © Adobe Stock

2:47 PM EDT, June 15, 2024

Although you can now buy green beans all year round, they undoubtedly taste best in summer—they are tender and pleasantly crunchy. We usually serve them as a side dish for dinner, but the vegetables can be used creatively. Here are a few examples:

Groats with white buckwheat groats, green beans, and mushrooms

This is a delicious idea for a summer dinner. It uses groats from unroasted buckwheat grains, filling and providing a solid dose of energy.

Cook white buckwheat groats (about 7 oz) until semi-soft in salted water. Simultaneously, steam the green beans (3.5 oz) – they should remain relatively firm. In a pan, sauté finely chopped onion, diced mushrooms (6-8 pieces), carrot, and green beans. Add the groats, tomato paste (6 tablespoons), and milk (3.4 fl oz). Mix, then season with salt, pepper, dried basil, and lovage. Simmer for a few more minutes. The groats taste great with a fried egg and chopped dill.

Green beans with almonds and garlic

This is an excellent snack or side dish for other meals.

Start by cooking green beans (1.1 lbs). To retain their intense color, flavor, aroma, crunchiness, and as many nutrients as possible, steam them in a special steamer or on a sieve placed over a pot of boiling water. The thermal processing should last 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the beans' age. Later, heat olive oil in a pan, add sliced garlic (2 cloves), and sauté for 2-3 minutes. Add the drained beans and almond flakes (3 tablespoons). Fry for another 3-4 minutes—season with salt and pepper to taste.

Green bean fries

Green beans can be fried in Japanese tempura to make a delicious alternative to potato fries.

Wash green or yellow beans and trim the ends. Mix flour (wheat and corn, in a 3:1 ratio) with ice-cold water until the batter reaches the consistency of thick cream. Dip the beans in the cold batter and then in hot oil (sesame, rice, or canola). The temperature is crucial; it should be around 340°F. To check it, drop a batter into the oil—if it sinks halfway and floats to the surface, it's ready for the beans. The fries will be prepared when they are nicely browned. After taking them out, place them on a paper towel to drain the fat.

Green beans with soy sauce and sesame

If you like Asian cuisine, try green beans with an oriental twist.

It's best to use yellow beans (1.1 lbs); wash them, trim the ends, and steam them for about 5-8 minutes. In a bowl, mix soy sauce (3 tablespoons), sesame oil (1 tablespoon), honey (1 teaspoon), and chopped garlic (1 clove). Combine the drained beans with the prepared sauce. Before serving, sprinkle with sesame seeds toasted in a pan (1 tablespoon).

Green bean and walnut salad

Green beans can also be enjoyed cold, as part of a delicious, crunchy salad.

Bean© Adobe Stock

Wash the beans (1.1 lbs), trim the ends, and boil them for 5-6 minutes until slightly crunchy, not overcooked—toast walnuts (half cup) in a dry pan. Cut a red onion into thin slivers. Transfer the beans, walnuts, and onion to a bowl. Drizzle with a dressing made from olive oil (3 tablespoons) and balsamic vinegar (1 tablespoon), seasoned with salt and pepper. Mix and place in the refrigerator for an hour to allow the flavors to meld.

Green bean and sheep's cheese casserole

Green beans pair well with cheeses, such as sheep's cheese.

Cook the beans (2.2 lbs) for a few minutes in salted water with a teaspoon of butter, sugar, lemon juice, and zest. Rinse with cold water, drain, and cut into smaller pieces. Stir sour cream (1.5 cups) with salt, pepper, and an egg yolk. Mash minced garlic (3-4 cloves) with sheep's cheese (7 oz), butter (1 teaspoon), and salt. Mix with the beans, grated cheese (1.7 oz), and dill. Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Place the prepared beans in it, pour over the cream, sprinkle with more cheese (1.7 oz) and butter lumps, and bake in an oven preheated to 355°F for 20-25 minutes.

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