Tips&TricksCracking the code: Learn what colored dots on your tires mean

Cracking the code: Learn what colored dots on your tires mean

Some car equipment components are meant only for decorative purposes. Additional exhaust pipes or air outlets are examples of this. It's no surprise that many people think the same of the colored dots on tires. However, these dots are entirely different and serve specific functions. So, what do these symbols relay?

The tires have special dots in different colors.
The tires have special dots in different colors.
Images source: © Freepik | standret

Do your tires have distinctive dots? Discover what they mean

Starting with the color white, it signifies that the tire has passed factory tests and no defects were detected. The white dot is used to inform the inspectors that the tire is fully operational. The red dot, on the other hand, is a critical indicator for vulcanization workers as it represents the balancing level. In short, the mark displays the lightest or heaviest point on the tire, guiding the worker mounting the tire on the wheel about where to place the weights.

The yellow and green dot marks the tire's lightest point, which should be the same height as the valve. This is a beneficial guide for the vulcanization worker who needs to adjust the appropriate amount of weight. What if there are no dots on the tires? Nothing to worry about. These colorful markings are an internal system for manufacturers and are not standard across all models. Some brands use unique embossing or colorless paints. The average car owner does not need to concern themselves with these colors, as they are intended solely for workshop use.

What's the right way to store tires?

If you prefer to store your tires at home instead of in a professional workshop, it's important to understand the correct storage procedures. Proper care applies to both winter and summer tires; clean, wash, and dry them thoroughly. Consider applying a protective foam, which can help delay the rubber's cracking process.

Pick a cool, dry storage spot away from direct sunlight. It's advised not to lay them directly on the concrete floor. Instead, use insulating materials, like boards or a blanket. Interestingly, tires should not be stacked to prevent deformation—the base tires are at the highest risk. Arrange them side by side or use special racks that you can find at online auctions. Remember to flip them every few weeks to help avoid deformations.

How to store tires?
How to store tires?© Freepik | fxquadro

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