LifestyleCover the laundry with it. All the clothes will dry in two hours

Cover the laundry with it. All the clothes will dry in two hours

When the temperature outside drops, another problem arises... Where to dry the laundry? This is a concern for people living in small spaces who can't afford to have drying racks everywhere. Here are a few clever tricks to speed up drying.

How to speed up laundry drying?
How to speed up laundry drying?
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Valerio Rosati

Summer has ended and it's no longer easy to quickly dry laundry outdoors, on the balcony or terrace, where it dries like a dream. In the fall and winter, drying laundry can be quite troublesome, especially when it remains damp for several days in a poorly heated apartment. Humidity appears in the home, and clothes begin to take on an unpleasant odor. Are there ways to deal with this problem? Of course, you just need to look online, where people share clever tricks to make life easier.

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An interesting method was recently shared by Alix Bryne, a resident of Glasgow, on Facebook. Laundry drying was especially annoying to her because she has a very small apartment. One day she came up with an idea that changed her life. When she spread out the laundry on the dryer, she moved it closer to the radiator, and then covered everything with a clean sheet.

Thanks to the warm air circulating underneath, the clothes dried in just two hours. It's worth trying to replicate her success, which simultaneously uses the power of a turned-on radiator for drying, but also doesn't let the heat escape.

Other users were delighted with her ingenuity and began to suggest their own corrections to this method. They emphasized that the sheet must be properly attached to the radiator, so that the heat would definitely go towards the laundry and not get absorbed by the cold wall.

Do you have a dryer besides the washing machine? Try this method

For the lucky owners of drum dryers, there is another interesting method worth trying. Apparently, laundry will dry even faster if a clean and dry towel is added to the wet clothes. It will absorb the moisture, making the equipment work even faster. This tip was shared by Purdy Rubin and Charlotte Figg, owners of a cleaning product company.

On their Tik Tok channel @purdyandfigg, they posted a video with instructions on how to do this. A clean towel thrown into the dryer drum with the laundry saves time and allows you to save on electrical energy, since the drying process takes much less time.

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