Contraceptive pills now available over-the-counter in Wisconsin (for Medicaid patients)
Docotr's prescription will no longer be necessary to obtain contraceptive pills in Wisconsin. They are going to be available over-the-counter for everyone who needs it starting Tuesday.
Governor of Wisconsin Tony Evers has made a very good announcement ofr everyone consious of his/hers sexual life and control of their bodies and concious decisions. The contraceptive pill is going to be available for everyone who needs it. It is a crucial steps towards sexual freedom in the America and women emancipation.
The decision is especially important considering recent heated discussion concerning the abortion law and some states banning it. The epigonic debated has spread all across America and has not been so tough for long. The Republican site of the political scene is trying to go with their agenda of conservative approach while the Democrats are pushing the tides towards individual freedom and emancipation. The topic is going to be extremely important in the upcoming presidential elections campaign.
ABC News makes reports in short about the case in Wisconsin:
To read the full article on ABC News go to:
Sources: ABC News