Tips&TricksCommon kitchen spice and dishwasher tablets. Unconventional weapons against washing machine mold

Common kitchen spice and dishwasher tablets. Unconventional weapons against washing machine mold

The man is cleaning the washing machine.
The man is cleaning the washing machine.
Images source: © Getty Images | Jovanmandic

11:33 AM EST, December 28, 2023

A washing machine is one of the most essential appliances in a home. It is responsible for keeping our clothes clean and fresh. But in the process, the machine itself can become dirty. Contrary to popular belief, a washing machine requires regular cleaning. Constant contact with water and bacteria can create a breeding ground for fungus.

The unpleasant musty smell from inside the machine likely indicates the presence of mold. Here, we'll show you how to get rid of it in the most straightforward, least expensive manner.

Cleaning your washing machine in three steps

Unsurprisingly, a lot of dirt accumulates inside a washing machine. Hence, it requires regular cleaning—at least once a month. Not only does this prevent musty odors, but it also safeguards the equipment from failure.

How should you clean your washing machine? The simplest and least expensive method involves a solution of water and vinegar. Mix both ingredients in a 1:1 ratio, then pour them into the dispenser. Run the machine empty and set the program to 140 degrees F. Once the cycle ends, open the drum and let it air-dry. The unpleasant smell should vanish by then.

If vinegar is unavailable, you can replace it with citric acid. Like vinegar, citric acid eliminates mold and disinfects the machine's interior. Pour 3.5 ounces of the acid into the powder compartment and set the cycle to a minimum temperature of 140 degrees F. Once the cycle completes, remember to dry the drum.

Dishwasher tablets: Versatile household essentials

Composed of washing soda, citric acid, salt, and potent cleaning agents, dishwasher tablets aren't just for dishes. Due to the combination of soda and acid, these tablets can double as washing machine cleaners. Place a tablet in the empty drum, run the machine at 140 degrees F, and let the dissolved tablet work its magic! It will effectively cleanse the drum of all dirt and any lingering unpleasant odors.

These versatile tablets can also de-scale your shower cabin or faucets. Dissolve a tablet in hot water, soak a sponge into the solution, and scrub away. You'll be left with shiny fixtures that look like new.

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