Colorado cannot ban Trump - rules the Supreme Court
In the unprecedented ruling that is going to go down into the history books the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the State of Colorado cannot ban Dobald Trump from running in the presidential ballot. The case regards the 14th amendement.
5:03 AM EST, March 5, 2024
The actions of Trump from 21st January cannot disqualify him from running in the presidential ballot in Colorado nor in any other state, says the Supreme Court in the instantly famous ruling.
In fact, what the case was about, was - can we call Donald Trump and 'insurrectionist', because if 'yes', according to the United States Constitution he cannot take part in the presidential elections. The Supreme Court has decided that in fact he cannot be called 'insurrectionist' hence he is allowed to take part in the elections.
The Supreme Court effectively overlawed the ruling of the Colorado's top court, the Supreme Court which last year ruled that in fact Donald Trump can be called an 'insurrectionist'.
In the official ruling published on the official website of the Supreme Court we can read a following introduction to the case:
In the key section regarding the concept of the Supreme Court overuling the ruling of the State Supreme Court, the Supreme Court stated:
The key facet is that the ruling regards not only the ruling in the Colorado state, but also possible cases that may arise in the different states in the future. The case is closed:
Sources: CNN; BBC News;