Tips&TricksClean your pipes every two weeks with this simple trick

Clean your pipes every two weeks with this simple trick

Cleaning pipes is certainly not among the most pleasant activities. However, it is worth doing regularly because a clogged sink can cause many problems. This simple trick will make you start cleaning the pipes every two weeks.

How to deal with a clogged sink?
How to deal with a clogged sink?
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Cleaning various places in the home can take several hours. One of the least enjoyable rooms to scrub is definitely the kitchen and bathroom. If you want to speed up your cleaning routine, learn a homemade and simple way to clean pipes quickly. You'll forget about a clogged sink.

How to deal with a clogged sink?

If you've ever fought with a clogged sink, you know it's not easy. Sometimes it can cause so many problems that the only solution is to call a plumber. As we know, we should not throw food scraps, vegetable peels, or tea grounds into the sink. However, this is not always enough.

The sink and pipes should be cleaned regularly. A quick way to help with this is using a dishwasher pod. Fill a cup halfway with hot water and drop a dishwasher pod into it. Once it dissolves, pour the solution into the sink and wait about 10 minutes. After that, flush everything with warm water. For the best results, use this solution every two weeks.

Trick for unclogging pipes

If you don't have a dishwasher pod at home and need to quickly unclog the pipes, you can also use the baking soda method. Simply pour one full cup of baking soda into the drain, then pour one cup of vinegar over it. The vinegar and soda will kill harmful microorganisms and eliminate unpleasant odors. Cover the drain with a plate to allow the mixture to work. Finally, flush thoroughly.

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