Tips&TricksChoosing health over savings. The hidden dangers of consuming moldy food

Choosing health over savings. The hidden dangers of consuming moldy food

Moldy rolls
Moldy rolls
Images source: © Getty Images | Perry Gerenday

6:28 PM EST, January 17, 2024

Fruits, vegetables, jams or sauces are products that mold quickly once opened. The presence of moisture and warmth encourages the growth of fungi on food. Hence, it is advisable not to hoard items we might not be able to consume in time. Removing mold from moldy food is inadvisable too. This is because even though the formation appears only on the surface, the fungi would have already infected the whole item. Consuming such a product could have dangerous implications.

What Makes Mold Dangerous?

A food item starting to spoil often shows mold development, which manifests as a white or greenish layer. This mold releases toxic substances known as mycotoxins. Intake of food tainted with mold could cause severe poisoning, allergies, or gastrointestinal diseases. The only exceptions are moldy cheeses and cured meats, which are safe to consume because they are prepared under expert supervision and their mold is harmless.

Trimming off the visibly infected parts proves futile, because the mold permeates the entire product through an invisible network. Eating such food might lead to severe food poisoning or a necessary hospital visit. Therefore, closely inspect fruits and vegetables while purchasing them. If you notice one piece has begun to mold, the rest will probably follow suit within the next few days.

But, what if we accidentally consume something moldy? Sometimes, food items, such as nectarines, could decay from the inside, leaving a moldy pit. In such cases, there's no need to panic as a small bite won't harm you. However, it is best to check the rest of the fruits and discard any that are unfit for consumption.

Choose Health over Savings

We understand that sometimes it feels wasteful to discard items that dint come cheap. But, ask yourself, is it worth risking your health? Treating abdominal discomfort and diarrhea would prove to be costlier than replacing the spoiled food items. In addition to that, you'd need to take time off work, which also holds financial implications.

To prevent food from molding, one must adhere to the recommended storage guidelines. Each product comes with the manufacturer's storage recommendations. If you anticipate that you won't consume something, it's advisable to subject the items to heat treatment to prolong their shelf life. Freezing, boiling, or frying are some of the preservation methods you can choose.

A mandarin covered in mold
A mandarin covered in mold© Pixabay | mostlymarvelling