Cheer to your health: A weekly bottle of wine could cut risk of severe deseases in half
This study was led by a doctoral student from the Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care at the University of California, Chengyi Ding. His analysis indicates that a daily consumption of approximately 0.20 ounces of ethanol could protect against some effects of cardiovascular diseases. This amount is equivalent to about two large beers or a bottle of wine per week.
Ding discovered that cardiology patients who regularly consumed small amounts of alcohol had a lower chance of experiencing repeated heart attacks, strokes, and angina episodes compared to those who did not drink at all. Remarkably, individuals who consumed between 0.21-0.28 ounces of alcohol per day had the best outcomes - their likelihood of suffering another heart attack even plummeted by 50%, while the risk of death caused by a heart attack lessened by 27%. Larger doses did not offer such beneficial effects. However, even when the consumption exceeded 2.12 ounces per day, it didn't increase the risk of heart attack providing strong alcohol was avoided.
The research was based on data gathered from 48,000 Britons contending with cardiovascular diseases. The participants shared their habits concerning stimulants, while the medical statistics were sourced from hospital records. The authors of the analysis confess that the data set had few clear cases of alcohol abuse, bringing into question the reliability of the results for this group.
Remember, the conclusions drawn from this publication are only applicable to heart diseases. In the broader context involving the majority of other organs, alcohol remains a harmful substance.