NewsChechen leader proposes peculiar prisoner exchange: lift sanctions, free my horses

Chechen leader proposes peculiar prisoner exchange: lift sanctions, free my horses

Ramzan Kadyrov loves his horses so much that he wants to exchange them for prisoners from Ukraine.
Ramzan Kadyrov loves his horses so much that he wants to exchange them for prisoners from Ukraine.
Images source: © Licensor

2:47 PM EST, January 6, 2024

It’s remarkable how much Ramzan Kadyrov appreciates his horses. So much so that he's proposed to exchange them for Ukrainian prisoners; this isn't fictitious; the leader of Chechnya has genuinely extended such a proposition to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. His affection for his horses is so profound that he's prepared to release people taken by his mercenary during the conflicts in Donbas and Luhansk.

As Vladimir Putin's ally, he is capitalizing on the recent prisoner exchange between Russians and Ukrainians. He also proposed a trade, but exclusively on his terms. Kadyrov declared he would release Ukrainian prisoners if sanctions were lifted on his mother, daughters, and horses. He's an ardent breeder, but some animals cannot reach Russia.

These trade restrictions are a consequence of Western sanctions, which have effectively obstructed the trade of animals. Despite this, the Chechen leader has spent millions on thoroughbred horses.

The list of Ukrainian soldiers detained in Chechnya was given to former CIA agent and now pro-Russian writer Scott Ritter. Mr. Ritter visited Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, and became valuable to Kadyrov.

"We have prisoners here that we captured in Donetsk and Luhansk. I passed on their list to our guest." If sanctions on my mother, daughters, and horses are lifted, I will release these people — offered the warlord. He clarified that he does not anticipate sanctions being lifted for him either by Western nations.

Twenty prisoners of war were offered to be released in return for the lifting of the sanctions by Chechens. There are rumors that crewmen of Ramzan Kadyrov expected his luxurious aircraft, which are kept outside Russia, to be also "released". The leader of Chechnya and his family are noticeably "struggling".

This struggle is likely due to a shortage of dear entertainment and luxuries, which they lack in their country.

Ramzan Kadyrov also played a video for his American guest, where Ukrainian prisoners supposedly ask for liberation and the lifting of sanctions. Kyiv labels the Chechens' proposal as "disturbed" and doubts the video material's authenticity. However, likely, prisoners from the Ukrainian Armed Forces are still with Kadyrov's mercenaries.

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