LifestyleCentenarian doctor shares six secrets to healthier, happier life

Centenarian doctor shares six secrets to healthier, happier life

Golden advice from a 102-year-old doctor. How to live healthily and happily?
Golden advice from a 102-year-old doctor. How to live healthily and happily?
Images source: © Youtube

6:32 AM EST, January 14, 2024

Gladys McGarey celebrated her 102nd birthday last year. Her extensive medical experience has given her valuable knowledge on how to live a long, content life filled with purpose.

According to McGarey, an excessive amount of people consume unnecessary stress. She believes that the happiest and healthiest people she has encountered are able to relinquish things or experiences that have ceased to benefit them. Life is too fleeting to ruminate on the same thought incessantly. By dwelling on a single issue, one is essentially subjecting oneself to torment.

"A certain habit that has significantly contributed to my health and happiness over the years is the ability to start afresh with anything, whether it's a relationship, a career, or a project", emphasizes McGarey.

Dr. McGarey has her mother to thank, among others, for her current perspective. It was her mother who taught her the valuable skill of letting go of inconsequential matters. Adopting this practice enabled McGarey to confront immense challenges without being deeply affected by them.

Golden advice from a centenarian doctor. The most crucial points

Gladys McGarey underlines a morning ritual she deems important for maintaining good well-being. In her view, one's day should begin with uplifting music, followed by a short leisurely stroll around the house or neighborhood.

"Encourage your body to move in a free and casual manner during your walk. It's acceptable to even indulge in a little dancing", advises McGarey.

Dr. McGarey further suggests repeating affirming and personal phrases during your walk such as, "This doesn't matter" or any similar sentence that resonates with you.

"The happiest individuals understand when it's time to evolve and leave past matters behind. Utilize all your potential to eradicate regret", she adds.
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