CDU/CSU loses ground as SPD and AfD gain in latest poll
CDU/CSU still leads but is losing popularity, SPD and AfD are slightly gaining, according to the latest "Deutschlandtrend" survey.
According to the latest survey by the ARD public television network, "Deutschlandtrend," the Christian Democratic parties, CDU and CSU, can count on a total of 31 percent of voters—a decrease of two percentage points compared to the poll from mid-December. Nevertheless, CDU/CSU remains clearly in the lead. The right-populist AfD is in second place with 20 percent, and the Social Democrats (SPD) are third with 15 percent (both with an increase of one percentage point).
The Greens remain behind them at an unchanged level of 14 percent, while the left-populist Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) holds steady at 5 percent.
The liberal FDP and the Left Party both gained one point: they would each achieve four percent but still would not exceed the electoral threshold. All other parties combined would achieve seven percent (down two points).
Main topics
Six weeks before the elections, 37 percent of respondents consider the issue of refugees and immigration to be the most important problem. This is an increase of 14 percentage points compared to December 2024. Right behind is the state of the economy, with 34 percent (down eleven points). The next topics are war and peace (14 percent, a decrease of four points), environment and climate (13 percent, an increase of one point), and social injustice (unchanged at 11 percent).
The public opinion research institute Infratest Dimap conducted a survey among 1,323 eligible voters between January 6 and 8, 2025.