LifestyleCardamom-infused coffee: A delicious twist with health benefits

Cardamom-infused coffee: A delicious twist with health benefits

We often limit ourselves to classic versions of coffee: black, with sugar, milk or cream. However, integrating various spices, especially the aromatic ones, can drastically improve the flavour and health benefits of this popular drink. Combining coffee with spices like cinnamon or ginger can accelerate metabolism, and the addition of cardamom can significantly enhance brain functionality.

Why is it worth drinking coffee with cardamom?
Why is it worth drinking coffee with cardamom?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Coffee with cardamom is not merely a delicious and fragrant drink, it also provides numerous health benefits. Cardamom, a revered spice in natural medicine for centuries, possesses properties beneficial for combating myriad health problems.

The benefits of drinking coffee with cardamom

The inclusion of cardamom in coffee leads to a stimulating effect that improves mood. Due to its ability to increase the secretion of endorphins, known as happiness hormones, it can alleviate stress and depression. Furthermore, cardamom may enhance memory, concentration and cognitive abilities by supporting our nervous system.

This spice also boasts anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, beneficial in treating respiratory tract infections. Additionally, cardamom can lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and might assist in preventing and managing diabetes by reducing blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity.

Cardamom's inherent properties regulate bowel function and prevent bloating, indigestion, constipation, and heartburn. By relaxing the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines, it aids in food transit. Plus, cardamom promotes the reduction of body fat, primarily abdominal fat, by boosting metabolism and calorie burning and preventing fat accumulation.

Preparing coffee with cardamom

Making coffee with cardamom is straightforward and fast. All you need to do is add ground cardamom seeds to your drink. The quantity can be adjusted according to personal taste and preferences. Usually, a teaspoon of cardamom per cup of coffee suffices. To enhance the drink's taste and properties, you can add other ingredients such as cinnamon, cloves, ginger, or vanilla.

Cardamom is called the queen of spices, next to the king of spices, which is black pepper.
Cardamom is called the queen of spices, next to the king of spices, which is black pepper.© Pixabay

However, it's crucial to remember that coffee with cardamom should not be considered as a substitute for prescribed treatment or consumed excessively. It's recommended to drink no more than three cups of coffee with cardamom per day as excessive consumption can cause undesirable side effects like insomnia, nervousness, or an elevated heart rate.

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