Tips&TricksCar door handle's hidden purpose uncovered: Aiding mobility

Car door handle's hidden purpose uncovered: Aiding mobility

Every driver uses it for something different, and some passengers grab it. It also happens to be used as a hanger, but few people know its true purpose. Find out what function the handle above the car door serves.

handle above the car door, photo: Getty Images
handle above the car door, photo: Getty Images

They are found in every car, yet their presence and function remain a mystery to many. Most people are unaware of their potential uses. Car manufacturers do not install them in car interiors by accident.

The handle above the car door

It's worth remembering that car designers don't act on whims. In collaboration with engineers, they strive to create a beautiful or comfortable car and, above all, a safe one. They certainly do not plan on including handles as hangers (a separate car accessory). They are also not meant for holding on to during wild rides, as seat belts and armrests fulfil that role. Their purpose is entirely different.

grab handles above the doors in a car, photo by Getty Images
grab handles above the doors in a car, photo by Getty Images

The hidden function of the handle above the car door

Their presence in cars is intended to help people with disabilities, the elderly, or pregnant women. The handles make it easier to get in or out of the car. Therefore, they should be used when the passenger or driver has mobility issues. By grabbing the handle, one can support their body weight to settle into a comfortable position. So, if you often have passengers who find it harder to move, suggest that they use the handles.

handles above the car doors, photo by Getty Images
handles above the car doors, photo by Getty Images

Sometimes, there are no handles above the driver's seat. This is because drivers need to keep their hands on the wheel and not support themselves during sharp driving. If drivers have trouble getting in, they can always support themselves on the wheel. In new car models, there is also a side airbag on the driver's side. If the driver were to use the handle, the mentioned airbag could cause more harm than good.

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