NewsCaptured Russian tank reveals shocking flaws in combat design

Captured Russian tank reveals shocking flaws in combat design

Loud and defenseless - this is how you can briefly describe the Russian tank.
Loud and defenseless - this is how you can briefly describe the Russian tank.
Images source: © X

6:02 AM EDT, June 23, 2024

This armament is deemed essential by the Russians on the Ukrainian warfront. The Armed Forces of Ukraine captured the famous tank, but as it turns out, the "turtle" is only used for moving along the frontline. Ukrainian soldiers had the opportunity to examine it up close and were flabbergasted. This equipment is simply dreadful. The Russians completely caught them off guard and that's a fact.

This tank was supposed to be the ideal tool for hiding from drones. Ironically, it was a drone that immobilized it. Subsequently, it was seized by the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Let's see what kind of Russian engineering we are dealing with here - announced the Ukrainian lieutenant colonel in a video posted on the X platform.

The first thing that stands out is the grate behind which the tank driver sits. Practically nothing is visible through the grate, which is also provisionally tied with a chain to the rest of the vehicle.

There is also no ammunition here, and the main barrel of the tank doesn't fire at all. This "miracle of Russian engineering" is a T-62M, produced in the 1960s, without ammunition or reactive armor. In practice, the Russians can only use it as a means of transport. The Ukrainians were at their wits' end with how bad this equipment is.

The only thing the "turtle" tank is equipped with is ECM, or electronic countermeasure technology, which aims to deceive radar, sonar, or other detection systems such as infrared or laser. In the case of this particular vehicle, Ukrainian soldiers dismantled the entire system to study it.

So this is what it looks like. This tank is just an empty shell... The tank's casing can protect its crew from small arms fire. But it lacks the functionality of a tank. Its barrel can't rotate or fire. This is made of metal - described the Ukrainian lieutenant colonel.

Ukrainians disarmed a Russian tank. Russians lived and fought in it

Upon entering the tank, only sleeping bags, canned food, and water were found inside.

The only modern technology placed here was a radio station, an antenna, and the ECM system - described the Ukrainian lieutenant colonel.

He himself went down to the driver's cabin and found that practically nothing was visible from there.

These boxes of scrap make an awful noise when they move. It's impossible to sneak silently with them. The engine is old and emits huge clouds of smoke. Such equipment should be retired, not actively used - said a Ukrainian army mechanic in the video.

When asked by the lieutenant colonel, he admitted that the only thing the driver can see is the field in front of him; the view to the sides and rear of the tank is out of sight.

Blind, loud, and dumb - that's how the Ukrainian lieutenant colonel described the Russian tank.
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