LifestyleCan you solve this 74-year-old test that stumps 95% of people? It's not as easy as you may think

Can you solve this 74‑year-old test that stumps 95% of people? It's not as easy as you may think

The riddle from years ago still poses difficulties.
The riddle from years ago still poses difficulties.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

2:56 PM EST, January 9, 2024

Mathematics is undoubtedly the queen of sciences, and yet it remains the greatest fear for numerous students. Certain concepts are challenging to grasp and often fade from memory over time. An intelligence test from 1950 serves as an excellent tool to revisit basic information. If you're up for the challenge, feel free to give it a try! However, bear in mind that this seemingly easy and straightforward equation was not solved correctly by as many as 95 percent of those who attempted it.

A quick intelligence test featuring a single task

The 1950 intelligence test seems harmless. Surprisingly, our predecessors had no trouble solving it. What makes it so problematic for us that only five percent of people manage to solve it? At first glance, the task appears simple and achievable. Allow us to introduce it, take a moment to consider:


Do you spot the complications? If not, brace yourself to start computing. However, remember that the sequence of operations in this task is vital. Can you still recall the hierarchy? Now is the perfect moment to jog your memory, as overlooking a single detail could prove costly.

How to Solve the Equation? Most People Make a Catastrophic Error

What result did you arrive at? The correct answer is 65, so if you obtained a different figure, you likely made an error at some stage. Calculating the correct result requires remembering the precise sequence of operations. First, perform operations within brackets, followed by multiplication or division, and finally, addition and subtraction. In the absence of any brackets in this example, we start with division and multiplication:

8 divided by 8 equals 1, and 8 multiplied by 8 equals 64. Then we perform the remaining arithmetic operations from left to right: 8 plus 1, plus 64, less 8, equals 65.

The correct answer is 65.

If you succeeded, congratulations! If you didn't... it's time to revisit the basics. You could attempt this task with your children to see how they cope, or challenge your loved ones. Enjoy!

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