Tips&TricksBritish mother's global ribbon initiative. A silent call for and offer of help among women

British mother's global ribbon initiative. A silent call for and offer of help among women

The ribbon on the purse is an important signal sent by women.
The ribbon on the purse is an important signal sent by women.
Images source: ©

1:53 PM EST, December 20, 2023

Each of us needs help at times, but we may lack the courage to ask for it. Conversely, there may be situations where we want to offer support, but fear it may be rejected for various reasons. The ribbon on the bag solves these problems. It enables women globally to identify allies, even if they are strangers, in an instant.

What is the Significance of a Ribbon on a Bag?

The ribbon on the bag serves as a sign used by women, particularly mothers. These women often feel overwhelmed with plentiful domestic responsibilities and are not always in a position to, for example, manage their children effectively. They can usually rely on the support of other family members at home, but when on the street or in a store, they often feel isolated. The ribbon is a signal to other women. It signifies that the owner of the bag is open to accepting help or even a kind word. The sight of the bow signals that any offer of help given to a complete stranger will be positively received. The ribbon also affirms that the bag's owner will willingly offer support to a mother in need. If you happen on any trouble and see a woman with a bow tied to her bag or backpack nearby, you can confidently ask for help, without any fear of refusal.

The ribbon on the bag is increasingly popular among women.
The ribbon on the bag is increasingly popular among women.©

The Origin of the Bag Ribbon Idea

The ribbon on the bag symbolizes solidarity among mothers. This initiative was conceived by British psychotherapist and author of books on motherhood, Anna Mathur. Being a mother of three children herself, Anna is well-acquainted with the daily challenges that mothers face. "The Mum Ribbon Movement" was born out of her frustration when she was unable to manage her mischievous children and lacked someone to ask for assistance. She publicized her proposition on social media.

Women's Reception of the Ribbon on the Bag Initiative

To say that women appreciated the idea put forth by Anna Mathur would be an understatement. The enthusiasm from other mothers wildly surpassed her most optimistic expectations. In the UK, the news of this unique movement spread quickly. Anna started receiving numerous photos of bags adorned with ribbons and messages from women expressing their gratitude. The advantages of a ribbon on a bag were promptly recognized by women from other countries. Today, roughly half a year since the inception of the movement, colorful bows are simplifying lives for women worldwide.

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