LifestyleBride's wedding hairstyle disaster: 'Almost' isn't close enough, warns TikToker

Bride's wedding hairstyle disaster: 'Almost' isn't close enough, warns TikToker

"Let those who have never left the hairdresser's with a grimace of dissatisfaction on their face cast the first comb." While many women consider a visit to the hairdresser as treat, there are plenty who shudder at the mere memory of their last visit to the salon.

Unsuccessful wedding hairstyle
Unsuccessful wedding hairstyle
Images source: © Pixabay | Pexels

As the saying goes, "It's just hair, not teeth - it'll grow back." Still, some hairstyling mistakes simply cannot be fixed.

A TikToker named @hannahleelifestyle went to a hair salon with explicit expectations for her wedding hairstyle. She dreamed of fashioning her hair into a loose, thick braid in a bohemian style, complemented with a delicate decoration.

The bride was horrified by the hairdresser's results

The woman shared two photos on TikTok. In these images, she compared the hairstyle that she had dreamt of with the actual hairstyle done by the salon. Both hairstyles involve a braid, but the similarities essentially stop there. The recreation of the hairstyle from the photo was disappointing.

There is a braid and a pinned decoration in the hair. On the surface, it appears that all requirements were met. However, a closer look reveals that the hair stylist didn't quite deliver on the task. Or they did, just not very successfully.

The bride wanted her hair in a braid and hoped to add hair extensions and increase the hair volume. What could go wrong? Have a look for yourself...

Hannah, who got married during the pandemic, noted that she could not visit the salon for a trial hairstyle. She strongly advises future brides not to repeat her mistake.

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