FoodBread kvass: The new super-drink boosting health and wellness

Bread kvass: The new super-drink boosting health and wellness

Probiotic elixir for a healthy gut. Drink this daily.
Probiotic elixir for a healthy gut. Drink this daily.
Images source: © Pixabay

2:55 PM EDT, September 2, 2024

Bread kvass is a drink produced through the alcoholic fermentation of bread with added sugar, fruits, and yeast. It has been popular for quenching thirst for years, but recently, scientists have highlighted its rich nutritional properties. It offers significant health benefits, making it worth incorporating into your daily routine.

Bread kvass is a natural probiotic full of beneficial bacteria cultures that support a healthy gut microbiome.

It contains B vitamins and vitamin C, as well as numerous minerals such as selenium, which is important for proper thyroid function, and zinc, which positively affects hair and nail condition. So, what other benefits does Bread Kvass offer?

Support for the intestinal microbiota - The probiotics in bread kvass can restore bacterial balance in the intestines, which, in turn, can even support the nervous system.

Support for digestion - Enzymes produced during fermentation aid digestion and can alleviate digestive issues.

Detoxification - Helping the liver cleanse the body of toxins is another advantage of bread kvass.

Improvement of immunity - Probiotics contained in bread kvass support the gut microbiome, which, in turn, strengthens our immune system. Additionally, vitamin C amplifies this effect.

Beneficial effect on the circulatory system - Bread kvass has a positive impact on the lipid profile and helps lower blood pressure.

Positive effects have also been noted in the therapy of migraines, muscle pain, diabetes, fungal infections, digestive problems, some cancers, and multiple sclerosis.

If you have never tried bread kvass before, start with small portions and gradually increase them to see how your body reacts and to get used to its specific taste and health benefits.

To maintain all the probiotic properties, it’s best to store bread kvass in a cool place, like a refrigerator. Remember that bread kvass has a short shelf life - up to 4 days.

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