TechBoosting profits with photovoltaic foil

Boosting profits with photovoltaic foil

Photovoltaic panels are becoming a common sight in city centers. In such locations, earning money from these installations isn't limited to electricity generation - the panels can also serve as advertising space.

Film for photovoltaic panels
Film for photovoltaic panels
Images source: © PV-Print

Although photovoltaic panels should ideally have unrestricted access to sunlight to generate maximum power, a Swiss company has devised a unique film that could potentially enhance profits from photovoltaic installations, even though it covers solar cells.

According to PV Magazine, the Swiss company PV-Print has introduced a self-adhesive film designed explicitly for photovoltaic modules. The intention behind this product is to unlock additional revenue streams from these installations despite the possibility of a slight reduction in power plant efficiency.

Codenamed PVP-foil, this self-adhesive film targets building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) installations, often located on building facades. The main objective is to enhance the aesthetic value of these installations, while simultaneously transforming the photovoltaic panel surfaces into a platform for advertising.

The use of PV-Print's developed film may cause a 10-30 percent decrease in energy production from the photovoltaic panels. Nevertheless, the developers are confident that the potential revenue from turning the panels into advertising space can outweigh the financial impact of the reduced power generation.

In an interview with PV Magazine, Ronen Wester from PV-Print describes PVP-foil as a vinyl film with precisely drilled perforations, allowing 65 percent of the foil's surface area to remain uncovered. The film is available in a standard and thinner variant, better suited to companies overseeing shorter, budget-restricted advertising campaigns. The PVP foil has made its debut in the European market recently and is projected to hit the United States market by February 2024.

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