LifestyleBoost your health with a simple 14-day garlic regimen

Boost your health with a simple 14‑day garlic regimen

Following a simple, straightforward treatment for just 14 days could purportedly have extraordinary health repercussions. This isn't about any rigid fasting, sporadic meal skipping, or other challenging practices to incorporate into your lifestyle. What you need is a single, everyday product - and trust us, you most likely already have it at home.

Garlic can be used for conducting an ultra-healthy treatment.
Garlic can be used for conducting an ultra-healthy treatment.
Images source: © Canva | vinicef

Proponents of the 14-day garlic treatment attest to its tremendous health benefits. If you're struggling with symptoms like fatigue, drowsiness, poor mood, or the chronic infections and colds that often plague us in the colder months, this article is worth your while. Continue reading because this topic indeed deserves your attention.

The health benefits of garlic

Before diving into the treatment, let's briefly discuss the remarkable properties of garlic. This essential culinary herb, like its counterpart the onion, has been used by humankind from time immemorial, largely due to its positive impact on health. This benefit is, of course, due to the compounds found in garlic.

Garlic is indeed quite rich in these compounds, including flavonoids, saponins, amino acids, and allicin, which are sulfur compounds known for their potent antiviral and antibacterial effects. The list extends far beyond these examples, but what's even more noteworthy is how these ingredients practically benefit our bodies. For instance, they can positively impact the immune system, support liver and intestinal detoxification, lower blood pressure, and significantly enhance immunity.

The garlic treatment

The aforementioned garlic treatment, according to advocates, should last for exactly 14 days. Luckily, this regimen doesn't involve any dietary restrictions, difficult denials or complicated recipes - the usual deterrents that might discourage us from giving it a try. The procedure is quite straightforward, and all you must remember is two key steps.

Garlic shows an extremely positive effect on the human body.
Garlic shows an extremely positive effect on the human body.© Canva | Matthiasboeckel

The first rule of the garlic treatment, which involves eating one clove of garlic (crushed or chopped) daily for two weeks, is that it should be consumed 2 hours after dinner. The second rule is of equal importance: after chopping the garlic, wait approximately 10 minutes before eating it. This period allows the earlier mentioned compound allicin to be released and initiate its potent action. It's genuinely worth the effort!

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