FoodBlue bananas: Uncovering the truth and health benefits

Blue bananas: Uncovering the truth and health benefits

Blue bananas, specifically the Blue Java variety, have become an Internet sensation. To such an extent that many people question their authenticity upon seeing them. Is it nature or Photoshop? We've verified this information.

For many people, blue java bananas look almost unreal.
For many people, blue java bananas look almost unreal.
Images source: © Getty Images | Cristian Storto Fotografia

Upon seeing a photo of blue bananas, many people have had doubts. Do they even exist?

They do exist, and they are delicious! They are called Ice Cream Bananas or Hawaiian Bananas. They grow, among other places, in Hawaii—hence their name. They are also said to taste like vanilla ice cream—hence the name. In Hawaii, they are wonderfully added to desserts but taste delicious raw.

Importantly, only the unripe bananas of this variety are blue. At this stage, they are light green or very blue. Over time, as they ripen, their color changes to the one we all know: yellow. Therefore, it may be easy to mistake them for the most common yellow bananas.

Blue banana vs. yellow banana: Which is healthier?

The Blue Java banana variety is an excellent source of fiber (0.1 ounces), manganese (14% of the daily requirement in 3.5 ounces), and vitamins B6 (as much as 26% of the daily requirement) and C. 3.5 ounces of such a banana provides 105 kcal.

Additionally, Blue Java bananas provide small amounts of iron, phosphorus, thiamine, and selenium. Due to its taste, the Blue Java banana is an ideal substitute for sweets, such as vanilla ice cream or pudding.

Furthermore, Blue Java bananas support the digestive system's function.

Blue Java bananas are also rich in antioxidants, which prevent cell damage and play an important role in preventing heart disease and diabetes.

Blue Java bananas are commonly available in Asia, Australia, and Hawaii. The good news is that we can also try growing them in our garden. Blue Java is a variety that is much more resistant to climatic conditions. The banana tree can grow up to 16 feet high.

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