TechBill Gates reveals AI as the ultimate startup path today

Bill Gates reveals AI as the ultimate startup path today

Bill Gates - illustrative photo
Bill Gates - illustrative photo
Images source: © Getty Images | SAMUEL CORUM

5:01 PM EDT, September 21, 2024

If Bill Gates were to start over, he would join the race in artificial intelligence, says Gates. He adds that today, starting a new company dealing with AI can raise billions of dollars.

Bill Gates is well aware of the development of artificial intelligence, which the entire tech world has been observing for at least several months. Therefore, the billionaire reveals that if he had to start over today and could gather enough capital, he would consider trying to build a rival to the largest companies working with AI, including Google, Nvidia, or OpenAI.

How would Bill Gates start today?

However, if he didn’t build a competitor to these companies, he would try to find a niche in the industry where AI could be useful, as reported on CNBC's website. Gates drew these conclusions based on research conducted in the AI industry, which he needed for a Netflix documentary series in which he talks about the future from a technological perspective.

The founder of Microsoft notes that AI will continue to evolve as various technologies develop, which will find applications for artificial intelligence. Any new tech startup can consider how to "tap into" this niche and ensure its success by using AI.

View on designing AI

Just believing in AI is not unique. I would, therefore, have to develop some exceptional view on designing AI systems, which other people didn’t understand, said Gates. He emphasizes, however, that this is difficult, and if he were 20 years old again, he would have to hope that his "young brain" would see something in the approach to AI that other entrepreneurs do not.

The billionaire now advises today’s entrepreneurs that if they do not have an "epiphany," they should, from the beginning, think about how AI can improve the company's operations or daily human life. This means paying attention to automating costly tasks or helping generate valuable ideas that humans can later carry out. For example, Gates refers to doctors. He notes that if artificial intelligence reduced the amount of "paperwork" needed, they could spend more time working with patients.

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