NewsBiden: Xi and I agreed we'll contact each other amidst crises

Biden: Xi and I agreed we'll contact each other amidst crises

Biden: Xi and I agreed we'll contact each other amidst crises
Images source: © GETTY | Bloomberg
ed. BAR

3:48 AM EST, November 16, 2023

Contact restoration between the US and China's militaries is underway, and an agreement has been reached with Xi Jinping, allowing communication between us amidst a crisis, stated US President Joe Biden during a press conference on Wednesday. The conference followed a meeting with the Chairman of the People's Republic of China. Xi highlighted Taiwan as the "most dangerous" issue in Sino-American relations.

- We're resuming direct contact between our militaries, which you know was abruptly cut off. This was concerning as accidents and misunderstandings arise in such situations, said Biden during the press conference at the Filoli estate near San Francisco. He mentioned the halting of military contact by China following a visit to Taiwan by the then-Speaker of the House of Representatives in August 2022. This situation represents the key material outcome of Wednesday's summit in California. Biden stated his primary aim was to ensure rivalry does not escalate into conflict between the two countries.

- In the upcoming months, high-level diplomacy will be carried out in both directions to ensure communication channels, including between Chairman Xi and myself, remain open, said Biden. - What gave me the most reassurance was his admission - which I can fully agree with - suggesting if either of us has worries about any issue concerning our countries or if there is anything occurring in our region, we ought to pick up the phone and communicate with each other, as we'll receive a response, emphasized Biden.

When asked whether Biden informed Xi of America's intention to support Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion, he responded that his intention isn't to alter the "one China policy".

The White House summarized the meeting by stating that Biden reaffirmed the USA's unwavering commitment to defending allies in the Indo-Pacific.

Taiwan Issue

A White House official provided information during a briefing after the meeting that XI had mentioned to Biden that the issue of Taiwan posed the "largest and most dangerous problem" between the two powers. It was reported that the Chinese leader explicitly preferred peaceful "reunification" with Taiwan, emphasizing no preparations for invasion. He, however, alluded to conditions that may necessitate the use of force.

The official stated that Xi's stance would not impact US dealings with Taiwan, as maintaining the current state is the intended approach. It was also reported that Biden instructed Xi to "respect Taiwan's democratic process", given the imminent presidential elections on the island.

- Chairman Xi responded, "Peace is fine, but at some juncture, we need to proceed towards a generally accepted solution", as the official narrated. The official mentioned that the Chinese leader had heard about planned military operations for 2027 or 2035 from the USA.

- There was slight annoyance in his statements. He refutes such plans, adding that they have not been discussed with him, reported the Washington representative.

The official noted that Biden urged his Chinese counterpart to leverage his influence on Iran to deter Tehran from further provocations in the Middle East.

'Trust, but verify'

During the conference, President Biden announced that both countries intend to cooperate to prevent the smuggling of precursors and equipment employed in fentanyl production. This drug has claimed tens of thousands of American lives, and it's often imported from China. He reported that Xi had promised to take the necessary steps to address this issue. He responded to subsequent inquiries about his faith in Beijing's assurances by asserting his adopted stance of 'trust, but verify'.

The leaders also agreed to initiate a dialogue between each country's experts regarding artificial intelligence's risks and safety aspects (AI). A statement from their conversation clarified that Biden underlined the commitment of the US to continue implementing restrictions geared towards protecting American technologies from utilization by China and undermining US national security.

Biden stated that he talked with Xi about Russia's refusal to cease its war and unrelenting aggression towards Ukraine, and they addressed issues surrounding the war in the Gaza Strip and Beijing's hostile actions in the South China Sea. He also questioned Xi on the wrongful detention of Americans in China and Beijing's unfair trade practices.

On being questioned about the aggressive Chinese behaviors towards American aircraft and Filipino vessels in the South China Sea, Biden mentioned that this hasn't escalated into an outright conflict. Further, he noted, among other things, the reinforcement of cooperation with allies in the Indo-Pacific region, that actions communicate more effectively than words, something he believes the Chinese understand.

Seventh interaction since Biden took office

The meeting, which lasted approximately four hours, had the leaders engaged in round-table discussions with a larger delegation, conducted a working lunch with a smaller group, and took a stroll within the California estate, which has previously served as the set for the TV show "Dynasty". Menu offerings included ricotta ravioli, artichoke chips, American rice pilaf, tarragon chicken, and an almond meringue cake.

This gathering near San Francisco marked the seventh interaction between the leaders since Biden took office. However, they first met 12 years ago when Xi served as Deputy Chairman of the PRC, and Biden was Vice President of the USA. This occasion also serves President Xi's first visit to the USA since April 2017. Previous interactions between Xi and Biden took place last November on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, and they had two virtual meetings in May 2022 and November 2021.