FoodBeyond the kitchen: The lesser known health and relaxation benefits of bay leaves

Beyond the kitchen: The lesser known health and relaxation benefits of bay leaves

Bay leaves, while popularly used as a spice in cooking, serve many other culinary and health-related purposes. The essential oils they contain can improve sleep quality and overall relaxation. Keeping a few in your bedroom can contribute to a peaceful environment.

Bay leaf under the pillow - Delicacies
Bay leaf under the pillow - Delicacies
Images source: © private materials

Adding a distinct flavor to meals isn't the only thing bay leaves do. They also offer a variety of health benefits. They support the liver's proper functioning and exert a positive effect on joints. However, moderation is key, as overuse can lead to toxicity.

Keep Bay Leaves Under Your Pillow

An unconventional use of bay leaves is to place them under your pillow while you sleep. Due to their essential oils, they can enhance sleep quality. These oils additionally have calming, analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and even antifungal qualities.

The bay leaf itself is a fantastic relaxant. Its hallmark intense aroma is highly pleasant. The essential oils within hold soothing and relaxing attributes.

Home Aromatherapy

Amid cold, dry winter days, the potent scent of a bay leaf can help to clear the upper respiratory tract. Try hanging one from a string at the top of your shower cabin to allow its aroma to permeate the room. If string isn't available, simply place the bay leaf in the bathtub's corner. The more leaves you distribute, the greater the impact.

Some properties of bay leaves may surprise us.
Some properties of bay leaves may surprise us.© Getty Images | Michele_Caldarisi

Bay leaves make excellent natural incense. Their fragrance calms, enhances mood and encourages relaxation. Before burning 3-4 leaves on a tray or coaster, ensure fire safety precautions are in place. After burning the bay leaves, verify the fire is fully extinguished, with no risk of an unattended flame.

Light the bay leaf and leave it for 10 minutes.
Light the bay leaf and leave it for 10 minutes.© Youtube | Noah Tempestarii

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