LifestyleBeware the "death triangle": Dangers of popping pimples explained

Beware the "death triangle": Dangers of popping pimples explained

What is the "death triangle" on the face? Experts point out that this is a particularly dangerous area. Popping pimples in this area can have catastrophic consequences.

Specialists regularly warn against squeezing pimples.
Specialists regularly warn against squeezing pimples.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Olga Yastremska, New Africa, Africa Studio

Professor Joshua Zeichner, a respected dermatologist at Mount Sinai Hospital, highlights a hazardous area on the face – the so-called death triangle.

This area has a venous blood supply that connects it directly to the brain, making it a potentially risky place. In this case, any skin manipulation, such as popping pimples, can have severe consequences.

Beware of the "death triangle"

The "death triangle" is characterized by the specific arrangement of blood vessels: the facial vein, the superior and inferior ophthalmic veins, and the angular vein. These are connected to the cavernous sinus, which is located inside the skull.

"he cavernous sinus is the name of a large vein that drains blood to the brain, creating a connection from our outside to our inside," says Joshua Zeichner, a professor of dermatology, in "Health." The magazine explains further, "In other words, the infection in a pimple on your nose has a somewhat clear path to your brain."

Do not pop pimples in the "death triangle"

The cavernous sinus, a large vein draining blood to the brain, provides a direct route for bacteria. Therefore, any skin interventions in this area are highly discouraged.

Simply popping a pimple can lead to serious intracranial complications, which are life-threatening conditions.

"In the event that you pick a pimple, and an infection develops, the worst-case scenario is that the infection spreads from the skin through this sinus," warned Professor Joshua Zeichner during a conversation with "Health."

Symptoms of infection can include fever, headache, swelling around the eyes, and uncontrolled eye movements.

It is worth remembering that popping pimples, though not always as dangerous, is also not recommended on other areas of the face.

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