LifestyleBeware: Charging habits that can damage your phone battery

Beware: Charging habits that can damage your phone battery

We all connect our phones to a charger at least once a day. However, it turns out that you can make significant mistakes during this process and even damage your phone.

This is not how you should charge your phone (illustrative photo).
This is not how you should charge your phone (illustrative photo).
Images source: © Adobe Stock | PAWEL_KACPEREK

It may seem like something you can't mess up. You just take a cable and plug it into the correct spot. Even the plugs have been standardized, so you don't need to worry about whether the cable is suitable for a particular model.

The truth is that careless decisions can ruin your device. Proper care of your phone can make it last significantly longer. It’s well known you should be careful with the screen and it's often worth putting the device in a case to protect it in case of a fall. But what about the battery?

This is why you have to charge your phone more often

Improper use of the battery can lead to its rapid degradation. Therefore, there are several guidelines for taking care of the battery. First and foremost, don't skimp on the charger. Low-quality or counterfeit chargers can, for instance, cause the phone to heat up during charging and even pose a fire hazard.

Although we usually charge our phones at night, experts strongly advise against it. This practice can damage your battery and significantly shorten its lifespan. How? By maintaining a full charge for an extended period.

Do not place the phone on this while charging

Charging the phone when it's above 20% or using the phone for activities like gaming while it's connected to the charger negatively impacts the battery. A real nightmare for your device is a dirty charging port, as well as the habit of placing phones on soft surfaces like a mattress or sofa while charging.

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