TechBeryllium-10 breakthrough could redefine Earth's geological timeline

Beryllium-10 breakthrough could redefine Earth's geological timeline

Scientists have discovered an anomaly related to the increase in the level of beryllium-10 in ocean sediments at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. According to Interesting Engineering, this finding could enhance methods for dating the Earth. The anomaly might be linked to an event from 10 million years ago.

Pacific Ocean - illustrative photo
Pacific Ocean - illustrative photo
Images source: © Wikimedia Commons

Researchers from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), in collaboration with TUD Dresden University of Technology and Australian National University, discovered an unexpected increase in the level of beryllium-10 in samples from the Pacific seabed. This discovery may serve as a global timestamp, aiding in the synchronization of geological records over millions of years.

Invaluable tool for reconstructing Earth's history

Beryllium-10 is a rare radioactive isotope formed when cosmic rays collide with oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere. Over time, it falls to Earth, accumulating in ocean sediments. With a half-life of 1.4 million years, this isotope allows scientists to track events from up to 10 million years ago. According to Interesting Engineering, it "provides valuable insights into the Earth's geological history."

The team, led by Dr. Dominik Koll, analyzed ferromanganese crusts from the Pacific seabed, which preserve a record of environmental changes. Using accelerator mass spectrometry, the researchers precisely measured the beryllium-10 content in the samples.

Scientists did not expect such a discovery

The research results were surprising. "At around 10 million years, we found almost twice as much beryllium-10 as we had anticipated. We had stumbled upon a previously undiscovered anomaly," reported Dr. Koll. The team ruled out contamination by analyzing additional samples from various locations, which showed the same pattern.

Scientists are considering two hypotheses to explain this anomaly. One suggests changes in ocean currents near Antarctica, which may have influenced the uneven distribution of beryllium-10. Alternatively, the intensity of cosmic radiation could have increased due to a nearby supernova.

If the anomaly is global, the astrophysical hypothesis gains importance. Otherwise, changes in ocean circulation are more likely. This discovery could revolutionize geological dating, assisting in synchronizing different geological records.

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