NewsBerlin sky lights up: Small asteroid 2024 BX1 creates big spectacle in fiery entrance

Berlin sky lights up: Small asteroid 2024 BX1 creates big spectacle in fiery entrance

From Saturday night to Sunday, at around 7.32 pm Eastern Time, a unique display captivated astronomy enthusiasts. The sky above Berlin momentarily illuminated as the small asteroid labeled as 2024 BX1 entered the Earth's atmosphere. After a brief few seconds, the object burned, creating a dazzling fireball that lit up the sky. Despite the asteroid's modest size, many European skywatchers were able to witness this extraordinary display.

The asteroid could be seen from several places in Europe.
The asteroid could be seen from several places in Europe.
Images source: ©

The International Meteor Organization (IMO) detected the asteroid just before it entered the Earth's atmosphere. By analyzing the object's trajectory, they could predict its burn location - over northeastern Germany, near Berlin. The brilliant flash in the sky was viewable from several hundred kilometers, roughly 300 miles.

This event was noticeable not only in Germany. Residents of western Poland also had the chance to witness this rare spectacle.

Several photos and videos of the asteroid 2024 BX1, initially named Sar2736 after its discoverer, astronomer Krisztián Sárneczky, surfaced on social media.

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