Belgian Malinois named smartest breed in comprehensive Finish study on canine intelligence
Scientists from the University of Helsinki in Finland embarked on this fascinating study. They explored dog intelligence, presenting their findings in their latest paper published in "Nature".
Part of the complexity of interpreting previous research results stems from the fact that breeds were commonly grouped based on their original function or genetic lineage. Different studies often consist of varied breeds, and the criteria for evaluating these breeds significantly differ - the researchers noted.
They then provided an example by pointing out that some classify dogs according to the original breed's purpose, while others group them by the breed's current usage. Even categorizing based on genetic kinship is not without flaws - they added.
Over 2,300 adult dogs, representing 13 breeds, took part in the Finnish study. This group included a category for mixed breeds. Any dog with parents from different breeds was classified as a mixed breed. The study was carried out from March 2016 to February 2022.
The research involved dogs ranging in age from one to eight years. Ten types of smartDOG tests were administered, seven of which were focused on cognitive traits, and three on behaviors. Each test involved different tasks for each dog.
Belgian Malinois, also known as the Belgian Shepherd, is the Smartest Breed
The scientists have already shared the results of their research.
The Finns identified the Belgian Malinois, known as the Belgian Shepherd, as the smartest dog breed after evaluating all the results. The Border Collie came in second place, and the Hovawart secured third place.