Beat that persistent cough: phenomenal home remedies to clear your respiratory tract
The first symptom of neurosis is often ignored
Salt Water
Warm salt water is a natural and effective way to rid your throat of phlegm. To prepare this solution, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in warm, filtered water. Rinse your mouth with the salt water about twice a day, for approximately a minute each time, ensuring you do not swallow the solution.
This popular spice is rich in vitamins and valuable minerals. It also contains curcumin, a strong antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory agent. Turmeric effectively reduces throat secretions and is one of the strongest naturally-occurring antioxidants. To fully benefit from turmeric, mix one teaspoon of the spice with half a teaspoon of salt, then dissolve it in one cup of warm water. Rinse your throat with this mixture at least three times a day.
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Lemon and Honey
A mixture of lemon juice and honey is another effective way to relieve throat phlegm. To prepare it, you will need a little over half a cup of fresh lemon juice and one tablespoon of honey. Consume this mixture three times a day for at least one week.
Natural Inhalation
Inhalation with adding herbs is a powerful tool in reducing substances lingering in the respiratory tract. Add one teaspoon of dried rosemary and the same amount of thyme to a bowl. If the herbs are fresh, then a handful of each should be enough. Pour boiled water over the herbs. For an enhanced effect, you can also add essential oil from tea tree, eucalyptus, or another health-promoting plant.
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Ginger tea can be incredibly beneficial if an infection has targeted your respiratory system. To make it, pour a little over two cups of water into a pot, and after boiling, add six thick slices of fresh ginger. Adding cayenne or chili pepper to the mixture will enhance the taste and increase the health benefits.