Battling blackheads: The 1 dollar kitchen solution for clear skin
Are you using specialized cosmetics for blackheads, and the problem isn’t going away? Try a method that costs just 1 dollar, and its effectiveness will positively surprise you. Blackheads disappear instantly.
The use of specialized gels and pastes for blackheads is common. However, many people are tempted to squeeze them mechanically, which can lead to skin damage. An alternative costs only 1 dollar and guarantees a flawless complexion. The necessary ingredients are in your kitchen.
Where do blackheads come from?
Dark spots in the "T" zone may seem like a minor problem, but fighting them is difficult for many. Mechanically removing blackheads is quite painful and damages the skin, and the problem often returns.
Blackheads, commonly known as comedones, are a mild form of acne. They are divided into open and closed types. Open blackheads are dark brown, while closed ones are white and less visible.
Contrary to popular belief, blackheads do not only affect teenagers. The reasons for their formation are diverse, ranging from improper skin cleansing to excessive sebum production, hormonal changes, and keratinization of hair follicle openings.
Gelatin mask for blackheads
Acids such as salicylic, azelaic, retinol, and niacinamide can help fight blackheads. However, the fastest results come from peel-off masks, which are popular in online videos. You can make one using plain gelatin, which you can find in your kitchen.
To prepare a gelatin mask, you need two tablespoons of gelatin and two tablespoons of water. Combine the ingredients and heat them in a double boiler until the gelatin dissolves. Once cooled, apply the mask to the area with blackheads and wait 15 minutes. Then, remove the mask with a brisk motion. You'll see the effect immediately.
Tricks for blackheads
What else should you pay attention to? Online, there is much talk about a corn mask that is especially recommended for acne and pimples. It can also deal with blackheads. It cleanses and soothes irritations, giving tired skin a bit of glow.
How to make a corn mask: Wash an ear of corn, grate it, and cook it. After it cools, add a tablespoon of milk and some corn flour. Mix the prepared mixture thoroughly and apply it to your face for fifteen minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.
Baking soda also comes to the rescue. Mix baking soda with water to prepare a homemade scrub until a paste forms. Apply it to the blackheads with a toothbrush. Massage for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water.