LifestyleBattle stubborn sink odors with easy at-home solutions

Battle stubborn sink odors with easy at‑home solutions

It's challenging to keep unpleasant odors from wafting out of the sink. Even if the kitchen is sparkling clean, a bad smell may spread through the room, rising from the drain. We have a way to combat it with a single stroke.

Here's how to clean the drain in your kitchen sink (illustrative image).
Here's how to clean the drain in your kitchen sink (illustrative image).
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Pawel Kacperek

The kitchen sink is quite the peculiar place. For health reasons, it's important to maintain its hygiene. It can be difficult because this is where food particles rinsed from plates or leftovers washed from pots and pans end up. It's not easy to prevent crumbs, bits of potatoes, or sauce from slowly decomposing in the drain. Additionally, the accumulation of leftovers can lead to clogging. When the water suddenly stops draining from the sink altogether, that's when the real trouble begins.

The kitchen trap is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. It's damp, and cleaning agents do not always reach there. As a result, decay processes become unstoppable with all their consequences. Even a polished, sparkling kitchen sink can simply stink. How do you deal with this problem?

How to get rid of bad odors from the drain?

We have three methods to help ensure that the drain remains clear and free of microorganisms that cause unpleasant smells. The first of these methods involves using a dishwasher capsule.

Since the capsule does an excellent job in the dishwasher, you can trust that it will similarly tackle grime in the drain. To do this, dissolve it in two cups of water. Pour this solution into the sink and wait. As the liquid flows down into the drain, it will thoroughly clean it, removing food remnants and odors. After 20 minutes, rinse the sink with hot water.

Flush the drain with mouthwash

The second method uses mouthwash. Normally, we use it after brushing our teeth; in this case, it goes into the drain, where it effectively eliminates all unpleasant smells thanks to its bactericidal properties.

The last method is to sprinkle the drain with salt and baking soda in equal half-cup proportions. Once done, wait a little over 15 minutes. Then rinse everything with hot water. The drain odor won't stand a chance.

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