NewsBarbaric attack. Sensational information about the attacker from France

Barbaric attack. Sensational information about the attacker from France

Attack on a teacher in France. Further information has emerged about the perpetrator and his family.
Attack on a teacher in France. Further information has emerged about the perpetrator and his family.
Images source: © PAP | PAP/EPA/TERESA SUAREZ
ed. MNM

8:42 AM EDT, October 14, 2023

Mohammed Mogouczkow, a man born in Russia, who stabbed a teacher at a high school in Arras, a city located in the north of France, avoided deportation from this country, which was supposed to cover his entire family in 2014 - reports the French newspaper "Le Figaro".

On Friday, following a knife attack in Arras, France decided to raise its security alert to the highest level. This decision was also dictated by fears about the possibility of transferring the conflict between Israel and Hamas to French territory.

According to the information provided by the newspaper, the Moguczkov family was to be deported from France in February 2014. At that time, border control detained his parents along with their five children and transported them to the airport in Roissy. There, a plane was waiting to take them back to Moscow.

The planned deportation of the family encountered resistance from human rights defense associations. These organizations put pressure on local politicians, especially on candidates participating in municipal elections in Rennes. Ultimately, the authorities decided to release the Mogouczkow family.

After this event, the French Communist Party operating in the Ille-et-Vilaine department issued an official statement. The document condemned the intention to deport the family, arguing that all the conditions allowing the Mogouczkow family to remain in France were met.

The family was radicalized. The bomber's brother was convicted

Mogouczkow was well known for his ties to radical Islam. During the attack at a high school in Arras, the assailant shouted "Allahu Akbar". He has been living in France with his family since 2008.

On Thursday, a day before the attack, Mogouczkow was detained by the police, however, no charges were made against him.

"Le Figaro" also notes that the rest of Mogouczkow's siblings are strongly associated with religious fundamentalism. One of the bomber's brothers, Moswar, was arrested in 2019. He was involved in a foiled attack on the Elysée Palace. He was sentenced to a five-year prison term. Moswar is also known for propagating terrorism.

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