LifestyleBake the ultimate holiday cheesecake: fluffy, orange, and chocolate

Bake the ultimate holiday cheesecake: fluffy, orange, and chocolate

Holiday cheesecake - Delicacies
Holiday cheesecake - Delicacies
Images source: © Canva | graletta

1:49 PM EST, November 27, 2023

Cheesecake holds the crown as the king of holiday cakes, often claiming an honorable spot among Christmas desserts. With this recipe, you can guarantee to whip up a cheesecake that's perfectly fluffy, delightfully creamy, and downright delicious. The taste is so irresistible that you'll find it hard to decline a second helping.

The holiday cheesecake

This holiday cheesecake is exceptionally delicate and airy. Its flavor is pronounced with the refreshing scent of oranges. Topped with dark chocolate, it becomes more tempting. I can confidently declare it as the best crustless cheesecake I have ever had the pleasure to bake.


For the cheesecake:

  • 2.2 lbs of rich cheesecake cheese
  • 11 oz superfine baking sugar
  • 8 eggs
  • 5.6 oz soft butter
  • 4 tablespoons of semolina
  • 1 oz of sugar-free cream pudding
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar
  • 9 oz of heavy cream (30% fat)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of orange flavor
  • 3.5 oz of candied orange peel

For the chocolate topping:

  • 3.4 fl. oz heavy cream (30% fat)
  • 1.7 oz dark chocolate


  1. Grind the cheese three times using a meat grinder.
  2. Line an 8x10 inch rectangular mold with baking paper.
  3. Whisk the softened butter until fluffy. Gradually add the ground cheese and continue whisking at a low speed until the ingredients combine.
  4. Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites, and whisk the yolks with the sugar in a separate bowl until they turn white.
  5. Add this mixture to the cheese and stir until all the ingredients blend together.
  6. Next, add semolina, pudding powder, and vanilla sugar. Stir briefly.
  7. Whip the heavy cream and gently incorporate it into the cheese mixture.
  8. Whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt until they reach stiff peaks, then gently fold it into the cheese mixture using a wooden spoon.
  9. Finally, add the candied orange peel and orange flavor. Stir until well combined.
  10. Spread the cheese filling into the prepared mold, smoothing out the top. Bake for 60 minutes at 350°F, without preheating the oven.
  11. Allow the cheesecake to cool in the oven with the door slightly ajar.
  12. Combine the chocolate with the cream in a pot, bring it to a boil, then turn off the heat. Set the topping aside for approximately 2 minutes to cool.
  13. Decorate the cheesecake with the chocolate topping. Let it cool before serving.

Grinding the cheese three times ensures a fluffy and delicate texture. If necessary, the cream pudding can be substituted with vanilla. If you want, you can also add raisins to the cheesecake—provided your loved ones are fans of this fruit. Enjoy your baking!