Bake perfect croissants with this simple 1:1:1 method, no experience needed
These three ingredient croissants are a perfect companion to your favorite afternoon coffee or as a delightful treat at any time of the day. The 1:1:1 method makes preparing these delicacies enjoyable and easy, even for novice bakers.
If you're searching for a straightforward croissant recipe that can impress without complications, try the 1:1:1 method. No matter your culinary skill level, with this recipe, anyone can master the art of baking perfect croissants.
A simple three-ingredient croissant recipe
To make these croissants, you will need just three essential items: flour, butter, and cottage cheese. The 1:1:1 method, which entails using equal parts of each ingredient, makes kneading the dough easy and swift.
- 2.64 pounds of wheat flour,
- 2.64 pounds of cottage cheese,
- 2.64 pounds of cold butter,
- Jam, marmalade, or chocolate cream for filling,
- Powdered sugar for topping.
- Put the flour in a bowl, add the butter and cottage cheese. Mix these ingredients well and knead them by hand until you get a smooth dough.
- Split the dough into two equal parts and shape them into balls. Wrap them in cling film and refrigerate for about 30 minutes.
- After taking it out, dust your surface with flour and roll one of the dough balls into a thin layer.
- Cut the layer into triangle shapes and put a teaspoon of jam or your preferred marmalade or chocolate cream on each.
- Roll up the triangles into the classic croissant shape from the wide end.
- Place the croissants onto a baking tray lined with baking paper.
- Bake in an oven preheated to 356 degrees Fahrenheit for about 20 minutes until the croissants are nicely browned.
- Once they're done, dust the warm croissants with powdered sugar.
With the 1:1:1 method, you can enjoy delicious baked goods without unnecessary effort. It's a delightful way to add charm to your afternoon coffees and make croissants a regular indulgence on your menu.