Australia's largest sanctions hit Russia's defense and tech sectors
Australia has announced its largest sanctions against Russia since February 2022, impacting 70 individuals and 79 companies. The restrictions include those related to military cooperation with North Korea as well as the defense and financial sectors.
Australia has implemented new sanctions against Russia, targeting 70 individuals and 79 companies. According to "Kommersant," this is the largest package of restrictions since February 2022. The Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Penny Wong, emphasized that the sanctions concern individuals and companies involved in military cooperation with North Korea.
New restrictions against Russia
Additional constraints also cover the Russian defense, transportation, and financial sectors.
The sanctions are aimed at individuals spreading disinformation that undermines the reputation of Ukraine and its government. Penny Wong highlighted that these actions limit Russia's influence on international affairs.
Australia has also banned the export of drones and their components to Russia. Australian companies cannot provide Russian entities with services related to drone technologies. These restrictions are designed to limit Russia's technological capabilities in unmanned aerial vehicles.