LifestyleAustralian woman accidentally tattoos swinger symbol, sparks social media frenzy

Australian woman accidentally tattoos swinger symbol, sparks social media frenzy

Although modern technology provides tattoo removal options, the process tends to be unpleasant and costly. When people decide to get a tattoo, they often anticipate the design will be a permanent fixture. However, unforeseen factors such as hidden meanings or certain execution styles can change sentiment towards the tattoo.

The Australian woman did not hide her surprise.
The Australian woman did not hide her surprise.
Images source: © TikTok

Brittany Lewin's tale serves as a cautionary anecdote for others. The Australian woman shared a video on TikTok narrating the backstory of a tattoo she got a while back. After her tattoo session, she revealed the design to a friend, only to realize that her new pineapple resting inside a triangle symbol held a cryptic message. Her baffled friend enlightened her about the meaning of the fruity selection.

"Is that an upside-down pineapple?" the friend queried.

Brittany's friend explained that her upside-down pineapple tattoo carried a definitive interpretation. However, Brittany, not associating herself with the representation, decided to cross-verify the information online. To her astonishment, she found that the inverted fruit is a prevalent symbol among the swinger community representing their quest for erotic adventures.

"Friends, I made a mistake," the woman confessed in her post.

The video stirred amused reactions from internet users. Many couldn't fathom how the Australian woman was oblivious to the widely accepted symbolism of the pineapple tattoo. To her knowledge, the woman herself clarified that the tattoo represented a symbol of authority, while she believed the triangle to be her lucky charm.

"What inspired you to get this tattoo in the first place?" inquired a respondent.
"Simply transform it into SpongeBob's abode and add a seashell," suggested another user.

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