AutosApril Fools' stunt turns safety hit: Vancouver pedestrians 'take a brick'

April Fools' stunt turns safety hit: Vancouver pedestrians 'take a brick'

The idea with the brick worked out.
The idea with the brick worked out.
Images source: © X | Twitter, VisionZeoYVR

7:52 PM EDT, April 8, 2024

The event in Vancouver was intended as an April Fools joke but ended up yielding surprising results. Drivers became notably more attentive upon seeing pedestrians holding bricks.

The Canadian organization Vision Zero Vancouver orchestrated an event on April 1, 2024, with a dual aim: to entertain pedestrians and heighten safety at crosswalks. Boxes filled with sponge brick replicas and slogans urging people to "take a brick" and use it while crossing were installed near these crosswalks. The campaign's motto was "Be visible, take a brick!" This was paired with straightforward instructions: "Take, look around, wave, cross."

Participants were encouraged to place the brick in a designated bin after crossing, and many eagerly complied. The initiative not only entertained pedestrians but also significantly enhanced their safety, making them more visible to drivers.

The accompanying video demonstrates that the Canadian initiative proved successful in practice. Despite its effectiveness, Vancouver authorities currently have no plans to implement sponge bricks on a broader scale.

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