LifestyleApplying cosmetics to your washer drum: make your washer look like it's brand new

Applying cosmetics to your washer drum: make your washer look like it's brand new

Discover a simple trick using a cosmetic product that cleans the washing machine drum.
Discover a simple trick using a cosmetic product that cleans the washing machine drum.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

5:58 PM EDT, November 4, 2023

We always wash our clothes, yet we often overlook the fact that the washing machine itself requires proper maintenance. To give your washer a nice scent and a glossy finish, simply clean the drum using a cosmetic product. You most likely have one in your bathroom.

Are you trying to eliminate a foul odor? Or perhaps, is it time to clean your washing machine drum? Sometimes, home remedies prove to be more beneficial than specialized products. If you aim to maintain your washing machine without burning a hole in your pocket, this trick is worth a try. You can easily freshen up your washing machine, and the drum will sparkle like new. The needed item is probably already in your toiletries, or you could borrow from your partner's supplies. You will witness the impact in 30 minutes.

The multifaceted shaving cream

Bright and sanitary clothes demand washing in a similarly clean washing machine. While the market offers specific products for washing machine drum maintenance, you can easily manage it without stepping out of your home.

Credit for this goes to shaving cream. Being more versatile than perceived initially, this common white hair removal product not only helps in achieving perfectly smooth skin, but also substitutes a specialized washing machine cleaner, helping you save money.

A simple, swift, and cost-effective way to clean your washer

This cleaning procedure only necessitates a universal cleaning cloth and a generous amount of shaving cream. Apply the cream onto the cloth and massage a thick layer of it into the surface of the previously emptied washing machine drum. Once you've done this, shut the washer door and wait for 30 minutes. When half an hour is done, commence a high-temperature wash in order to thoroughly rinse off the shaving cream.

How often should the washer drum be cleaned?

The impact of this method is immediately noticeable. The drum will regain its bright appearance and fresh scent. The next batch of clothes out of the washing machine will seem brand new. Washing machine manufacturers advise against cleaning the drum more than once a month.

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