TechApple pays 1.1 billion rubles fine bolstering Russian budget in antitrust settlement

Apple pays 1.1 billion rubles fine bolstering Russian budget in antitrust settlement

The Federal Antimonopoly Service confirmed Apple's payment. The agency underscored that the funds have significantly bolstered the Russian budget.

Apple paid a fine in Russia.
Apple paid a fine in Russia.
Images source: © Getty Images | CFOTO

"In July 2022, the company was found to have violated antitrust laws. Apple forbade iOS app developers from informing customers within the app about the availability of making purchases outside the App Store, as well as the use of alternative payment methods," the department clarified, as quoted by "Kommiersant".

Specific Violations by Apple in Russia

Moreover, the officials reported that Apple had enforced changes in the functionality of its applications. Specifically, they had mandated that the registration form should not direct to external pages.

"Kommiersant" also highlights that in October 2023, Apple officially permitted Russian developers to incorporate the functionality of using different companies' payment systems within their apps on iOS and iPadOS platforms. However, for purchases using these external systems, Apple would levy a commission of 27 percent, slightly less than the standard App Store commission of 30 percent. It is important to note, "Kommiersant" further adds, that "only developers from Russia are allowed to include external links, and these links should not be displayed to users from other countries".

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