LifestyleAmerican pilot reveals truth about flight questions on TikTok

American pilot reveals truth about flight questions on TikTok

An American pilot known as @PerchPilot on TikTok admitted that he is often asked for information he does not have. He explains to his followers that pilots cannot access unique data about other passengers' flights.

Pilot reveals the source of his knowledge
Pilot reveals the source of his knowledge
Images source: © Adobe Stock

The experienced pilot shares stories and trivia from the aviation world on TikTok. His account attracts aviation enthusiasts looking for advice and anecdotes from the cockpit.

The pilot's confession may be surprising

"The general public overestimates what pilots and crew actually know," says @PerchPilot in a video shared on his TikTok profile. "When someone asks me for directions to the gate or information about their flight, I'm happy to help because we know the system and understand how it works. However, we don't have special access or additional information about flights other than our own," he explains.

The pilot admits that, in most cases, when passengers ask him for details about their flight, he uses Google or apps like FlightAware. "We don't have special access or infinite knowledge—we just use the same tools as everyone else," he adds.

The pilot dispels travelers' doubts

Many of his followers were surprised by this confession. "They probably think you have access to some secret pilot app!" commented one of them.

In his videos, @PerchPilot covers various topics, from why airplane mode is important for passengers' phones to questions he himself asks more experienced pilots.


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